Smart up my fleet

Smart up my fleet

Also available in Dutch.

We believe that bikes can improve the business processes, customer experiences and overall employee health in any organisation. However, operating your own bike fleet without the use of modern technology can be quite a challenge.

In this situation the X-Bike software can be connected to an existing bike fleet by the addition of a smart-lock. Your employees and other users will then be able to reserve a bike and unlock it through a personalised app. Therefore making your system more efficient and reducing the need for additional personnel. You will also gain a clear insight into the operational overview of your system and on which bikes need maintenance at any given time.

Whether you would like the users to pay for the use of your bikes or you want to extend the possibilities of your bike fleet by using them for shuttle routes, we can implement the right system modules to ensure that you get exactly what you need out of operating a successful and modern bike fleet.

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